Academic Vocabulary List 1

Academic Vocabulary List 1

Alphabetical list of words and meanings
WordDefinition, meaning
alleya narrow passageway or street
appetitedesire to eat
boastbrag; say great things about yourself
cattlea general name for "cows"
drudgeryhard, uninteresting labor
dullboring, not exciting; not bright or sharp
entirelyon the whole
gigantichuge, large, enormous
goofyfunny, silly
hatchbreak out of an egg
nakedwithout covering or clothing
outragedupset, very mad
outskirtsthe suburbs, area around a city
peddlersomeone who sells things
portionsmall part or section
roamwander, walk around without direction
slimskinny; thin
strugglehave difficulty doing something; fight
swellget bigger, enlarge
upgradeimprove the quality of something

Note: These are general meanings for the words. You may encounter other definitions depending on context.
Check a dictionary for other meanings.


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