Never Run Out of Things to Say Again – Effective Brain Storming for Niche Content
Never Run Out of Things to Say Again – Effective Brain Storming for Niche Content
JULY 28, 2015 BY
Niche content marketing is one of the most effective ways to get your brand name out there and convert browsers to buyers. However, the definition of the word “niche” reflects some of the problems that can arise from this type of content. A niche is defined as a shallow recess or nook into which a specific item (or in this case industry) fits.
The problem that comes with niche marketing is this: sometimes you run out of things to say within your niche. It’s not uncommon to see blogs stagnate or repeat the same subjects over and over again. Trust me, this is bad for your marketing campaign. No one wants to see the same blog post 5 times. Do you feel like the walls of your niche are closing in on you? Here’s how to breathe new life into a dying blog.
Cartography for Content: The Art of Mind Mapping
Try starting a brain storming session with mind maps. They allow your brain to practice free association, which is a highly effective tool for generating creativity. To draw a mind map, start with the main idea in a center circle. For instance, if your niche is Internet Technology, you could include that in the bubble. Start branching off the circle with keywords as they pop into your head. “Computers” may be one, and “software” could be another. Don’t be afraid to write down the whacky things that come out of left field; that’s the beauty of free association, and that’s where some of the best ideas get their starts.
You never know. “Bioluminescence,” no matter how random it seems, could spark a great idea for a blog that you can relate to your niche. As you come up with more words, they either form new branches, or build upon the ones you’ve already created. Digital mind mapping tools use colors and images to illustrate ideas. Not only does this help you organize your thoughts, but it also feeds your brain with visual stimuli to keep the creativity flowing. The process of mind mapping closely mimics the brains’ natural thought process. So while you’re drawing connections on paper, you’re also making them in your mind.

Word Search: Using Keywords to Generate Ideas
Analytics programs are also a great way to drum up some new ideas. Research keywords that people use to find your site, or any useful keywords you may be missing. The importance lies in finding the difference between useful and overused keywords.
Generally, long chain keywords drive the most traffic. Niche blogs are saturated with simple keywords and tend to get lost among the thousands of others. Find a few long-chain keywords relevant to your niche, and use mind-mapping techniques to generate interesting blogs around them. Remember, SEO isn’t dead or outdated. It just requires higher-quality content. People love how-to articles and industry expertise, so keep this in mind when you’re researching keywords for new ideas.

Dredging Up Ancient History: Find Inspiration From Old Posts
If you’re really in a pinch for new content, try reading through some of your older posts. These posts can give you the opportunity to create spin offs. If you notice an old post garnered a lot of attention, beef it up and turn it into a series. For example, if you wrote a post on home improvement that generated a lot of hits, create a bi-weekly post that features individual DIY projects within the home.
You can also generate new content from taking the opposing view of a previous post. Did your article about the pros of a particular service or idea get a lot of views? Try writing another about its cons and how to fix them. This method of recycling content is one of the fastest and easiest ways to find new things to say.
Tune In: Pay Attention to the Voices in the Chorus
Listen to what your industry audience is saying; they may be directly requesting content without you even realizing it. Comb the comments section of your blog and see what people are talking about. Are they ranting or raving about a certain product? Write about it. Are they asking a lot of questions about something? Consider an FAQ post.
You don’t have to feel limited to just the audience on your site, either. Sites like Quora, an online community for questions and answers, allow you to research what your audience longs to know. They also let you become a voice of authority in your industry and demonstrate your expertise. Engaging your audience like this is one of the best ways to discover relevant content, and relevant content is of the utmost importance in today’s digital marketing world.

Trend Spotting: Discover Hot New Topics
Look for trends everywhere. You can find them on social media platforms, magazines, in the “real world,” and just about anywhere else. Seeking out and following trends will help you to become better at forecasting them.
Who doesn’t want to be the first person to post a blog on a subject that’s about to become a huge hit? Research breaking news and unfolding developments within your industry. Scour social media for trending topics. Sites like Buzzfeed and Pinterest are great resources for trend spotting. Look for memes that are popular at any given moment; they’ll give you the giggles and possibly some new ideas.
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