Spelling Tips and Tricks – Making Words Plural

Spelling Tips and Tricks – Making Words Plural

Spelling Tips and Tricks – Making Words Plural from All About Spelling

Plurals can be confusing!

Why do we add S to some words but ES to others? And when a word ends with Y, how do we know whether to change the Y to I before addin the plural suffix? And why on earth does knife become knives? You can unravel these mysteries with six simple rules.

And to make the rules easier to understand … ice cream comes to the rescue!

Help yourself to a scoop or two! Whether you prefer your ice cream in dishes or in cones or with one cherry or two cherries, these tasty guidelines will help you spell plurals correctly every time. Dig in!
Spelling Tips & Tricks: The Round-up Post

Respect your child’s funnel!

In the All About Spelling program, we teach these rules one at a time to ensure that your child isn’t overwhelmed with too much information. Think about how a funnel works. Now imagine your child’s mind is like a funnel. You can dump a lot of information into your child’s funnel, but there’s a limit to how much information his funnel can filter. When you teach, be sure to respect your child’s funnel.

Spelling Tips & Tricks can make spelling easier! Here are a few more:


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